collective collaboration based on the drama by William Shakespeare

The Taming of the Shrew

The performance is based on the story of “The Taming of the Shrew,” in which the father of two daughters: humble Bianka and the rebellious Katherina, wants to marry them off. Objectified women become the object of male bidding, supported by the power of money. Katherina, “forced” to marry Petrucchio succumbs to the male vision of the world, which remains the greatest mystery of the drama. The play presents the subject of patriarchal standards, violence against women, male domination at various levels of social life and mansplaining.

The creators also look at the theatricality and production process that has been stopped. As a result, from the material artifacts, decorations, unfinished costumes and fragments of the created stages, they build an alternative theatrical reality.

concept and creation
Magda Kupryjanowicz
Maria Spiss

Mikołaj Walenczykowski

Paweł Dobek

Zuzanna Czerniejewska
Karolina Staniec(gościnnie)
Katarzyna Kalinowska
Martyna Rozwadowska
Iwona Sapa
Paweł Dobek
Maciej Hązła
Wojciech Kalinowski
Roland Nowak

stage manager
Ewa Malicka
23 czerwca 2018